2013년 U-SURF 참가후기(제목 : meaningful time in UNIST)

  • 783조회

-참가학생: Jonathan Oh
-소속학교 : University of Michigan
-참여연구실 : 김병수 교수님

USURF was a great program, it really allowed me to experience Korea in the way I really wanted to.
I was able to learn Korea academically through the classes and living with Korean students really allowed me to see firsthand how Koreans lived and thought.
Also the field trips that we took were great to tour the Korea so that I was able to not only study and interact with Koreans but I got to see and hear the country myself which helped me experience the country even more.
Through the internship program I was able to learn more about direct methanol fuel cells and was able to get good progress on making a catalyst that will make the fuel cells more efficient and more valuable.

I was able to learn a lot about research and graduate school through this program while also having a experiencing a different way of living than America. This program really fulfilled my expectations on what I wanted to happen in Korea and would recommend it to anyone looking to study abroad in Korea.